Sunday, July 13, 2008
hohos, im finally bak to blogg ppl~
not tt i have anything much to say buutttt i'll just dump wadever i can tink abt for now.
lets see...
went to sana house to help out on fri.
had to scan tickets, tickets and more tickets.
if i knew tt the job wld be tt boring i wld have just stayed in sch for another hour's lesson of physics than to skip tt session for this -_-
but well, its over alreadi. no use moaning over the time lost lol.
then on saturday had ss mock exam
topics tested were Venice and Sri Lanka.
as right were my instincts, Venice came out for SEQ and Sri Lanka, SBQ.
didnt have time to revise the previous day sooo..i simply browsed thru the notes while i was waiting for mum and while i was in the car.
i was 3 mins late for the mock exam.
furthermore i was the onli person late.
sheesh tok abt embarrassment.
but on a brighter note, i was 3 mins late. 3! hahs. i love this number :x
annyyyways, my ez-link card was held custody by my bro. ):
soooo..i basically slacked in sch till he was rdy to pick up my call -_-
ok not realli slacked but did the worksheet donated by mr Jason Tan lmao
can u believe it ppl? im doin chemistry! xD
when i reached home, tt was when the real slacking began.
watched tv, went to sleep, watched tv again and then bak to bed -_-
sheesh i have yet to master the skill of discipline
tv oh tv. why do u have to be so huge and tempting to watch?
one would never live a life without the perpetuate haunt of problems
nxt day which is today, i realized i have attained a few more kisses frm the mosquitoes - -
hohos the mosquito epidemic has arrived once again.
im soon gonna be recognised as chicken pox lady~
cant help it, the mosquitoes just cant resist me. and my blood lmao.
My heart belongs somewhere else. Thus i cannot giv u what u seek.
now recently ppl have been feeling pretty down lately.
wif regard to ytd's "debate", i just have a few things to say.
every decision we make have consequences
tt basically summarises wadever ive to say :x
ok now tts onli one thing lol
wun be blogging much anymore though, for obvious reasons.
be prepared to miss me ppl! lmao
Would u risk doing somethin unrighteous, for the sake of having fun?
farewell curious readers, for now. xD
Friday, July 04, 2008
today's youth day performance was awesome!
the teachers were exceptionally hilarious and sporting(notwithstanding the way they dress xD)
momo was pretty nervous while awaiting our cue.
but all went well throughout the performance.
the performance touched many hearts as the diff slides flashed by.
especially the music lols.
ytd they were practicing quite a number of times, singing their lungs out, to giv u guys the best performance they can giv.
even mrs yue was excited abt it
see how dedicated they were? :x
all the more they deserve another round of applause lolz.
now here are the videos of their rehersal ytd. brought to u by

sabrina and momo, the musicians :D
after several practices, they eventually got the hang of it
ladies and gentlemen, 'Proud of you' by ur one and only group of teachers(& Mr Tan our principal) and a couple of students :D
and the great performance u ppl observed wld not have been possible without the participation and hard work of our teachers and students(sabrina, momo, qinghui, rest of 4e1)
bravo ppl, bravo! ~
Thursday, July 03, 2008
ahhh fishsticks
i just spent 2hrs + on a compo and ive yet to finish it -_-
nvm..i'll continue tmr.
and then i will revise history and prepare myself for saturday's mock exam.
work work work = =
speaking of which there's a physics mock exam tmr and ive not revised
haiz. - -
go sabrina and momo and chers~
awe the students wif ur TALENTS tmr ^^
every action u make will be watched by a thousand students lmao. :x
just giv everything uve got! :D